StartFilm & TVUnfinished - The Making of Massive Attack (Dokumentation)

Unfinished – The Making of Massive Attack (Dokumentation)

Die 30 Minuten lange BBC-Doku Unfinished – The Making of Massive Attack über das erste Album von Massive Attack ist im Netz aufgetaucht. Das Album Blue Lines mit dem Superhit Unfinished Sympathy ist vor 25 Jahren erschienen.

A BBC documentary, first broadcast on the 6th September 2016, to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Massive Attack’s seminal debut album Blue Lines.

The program not only explores Massive Attack’s background and formation, but also delves into the burgeoning Bristol music scene of the 1970’s and 1980’s.

The documentary is narrated by actor Paul McGann, and features new interviews with long term Massive Attack co-writer/producer Neil Davidge, The Wild Bunch’s DJ Milo, drum and bass superstar Roni Size and The Pop Group’s Mark Stewart.


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(via Unfinished Rebellen)


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