StartBücherPhoenix: Liberté, Égalité, Phoenix! - Phoenix veröffentlichen Buch über ihre Bandgeschichte

Phoenix: Liberté, Égalité, Phoenix! – Phoenix veröffentlichen Buch über ihre Bandgeschichte

Laurent Brancowitz, Christian Mazzalai, Thomas Mars und Deck d’Arcy von der Band Phoenix haben sich mit der Journalistin Laura Snapes zusammengetan und ein Buch über 30 Jahre Bandgeschichte geschrieben.

The first book from the French band Phoenix, who helped define the sound of an era.

With one foot in the French electronic music sound of the late 1990s and the other in the world of indie Rock, Phoenix have evolved from an edgy French band to one of the most influential and beloved indie acts of the last twenty years.

The book draws on the band’s personal archives, including photography of everything from their instruments to the notebooks in which every lyric and chord change were carefully notated. Accompanying this is an oral history of the Phoenix’s journey in their own words. The book is a superfan’s chronicle of the evolution of a band.

Published to coincide with a series of anniversaries for the band — thirty years since their formation as teenagers in 1989; twenty since the release of their debut record in 1999; and ten since Grammy Award-winning Best Alternative Album, Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix, in 2009 — and with original interviews conducted with the band throughout, this book is an intimate celebration of a group whose particular brand of indie rock has struck a chord on both sides of the Atlantic.

Gewidmet haben sie das Buch Philippe Zdar, der im Juni tödlich verunglückt ist.

Phoenix Fans hierzulande bekommen die gebundene und englischsprachige Ausgabe des Buch online bei Amazon*.


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