StartFilm & TVReal Scenes: Paris (Doku)

Real Scenes: Paris (Doku)

Resident Advisor hat eine weitere Kurzdoku im Rahmen der Real Scenes Serie gedreht. Nach Berlin, Bristol und Detroit steht dieses Mal die französische Hauptstadt im Mittelpunkt.

A few years ago The New York Times and Le Monde were declaring the death of clubbing in Paris. It was a dark moment for a city that has at times stood alongside London, New York and Berlin as one of the capitals of electronic music. With names like Laurent Garnier, Daft Punk and Justice leading the way, Paris has seemingly always been a flashpoint for a unique spin on house and techno.


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Real Scenes: Paris from Resident Advisor on Vimeo.

Music Lover, Web Addict, Ruhrpottkind, Wahlhamburger.


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