StartMusikFloppy Discs spielen Tainted Love von Soft Cell

Floppy Discs spielen Tainted Love von Soft Cell

Dieses tolle aber schon etwas ältere Video von Gigawipf macht gerade wieder die Runde.  Floppy Music spielen „Tainted Love“ von Soft Cell. Da wir es noch nicht hatten, bitte schön:


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Here is something older for you: Soft Cell – tainted love
I moved my table but i had to use longer usb wires (camera failed so i used two wires. maybe i will use another computer to record video) I hope you like this video 🙂
Take a look at my channel for more. There is a bit noise in audio because i used a fan to get some air flow in the box to cool the motors (yes it works really well)
I also improved my arduino code.
Code based on: