StartMusik8-Jähriger meistert "Good Times Bad Times" von Led Zeppelin am Schlagzeug

8-Jähriger meistert „Good Times Bad Times“ von Led Zeppelin am Schlagzeug

Yoyoka Soma sitzt seitdem er zwei Jahre alt ist an der Schießbude. Und das kommt dann dabei raus. Hammer!

My parents were performing music activities as amateur singer-songwriters and they cradled me with their music. When I listened to their songs and guitar performances, I was eager to join them and couldn“™t stop beating out a rhythm. That was why I started playing the drums. The drum was the first instrument in which I felt an interest in my life“¦At age 2, I was playing the drums as if I were playing with toys. At age 4, I started performing at concerts. At age 5, my family band „Kaneaiyoyoka“ was formed by my parents. We have released 2 self-produced CD albums so far.


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