StartMusikZwei Songs von WhoMadeWho & Mark Lanegan Band

Zwei Songs von WhoMadeWho & Mark Lanegan Band

WhoMadeWho bearbeiten Mark Lanegans Deep Black Vanishing Train und Mark Lanegan knöpft sich WhoMadeWhos Black Cherry Moon vor. Das Ganze gibt es 1.111 mal als limitiertes rotes 7″-Vinyl. Die Erlöse gehen an Amnesty International

Earlier this year, the Copenhagen based trio reached out to Lanegan with the idea of a joint release. The idea seemed to be obvious to Lanegan: „I think they“™re really great. They“™ve made some great albums and I“™d consider myself a fan.“ He then came up with this striking rendition of „Below The Cherry Moon“ the highlight off their album „BRIGHTER“.

In the meantime, WHOMADEWHO started working on Lanegan“™s „Deep Black Vanishing Train“ from his amazing album, „Funeral Blues“. The warm feelings and respect for a fellow musician are also reciprocated by the Danes towards Mark. As guitarist and co-vocalist, Jeppe Kjellberg, adds “ It“™s a great honor to get this kind of respect and recognition by a musician you admire. I was very moved the first couple of times I heard his take on one of our songs. His deep voice and this authentic American accent highlights the feeling and lyrics even more. „

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