StartMusikWie Radiohead den perfekten Bond Song schrieben

Wie Radiohead den perfekten Bond Song schrieben

Die von „Listening In“ haben Radioheads Bond Theme „Spectre“, das es nicht in den Film schaffte, zum perfekten Bond Song gekürt.

Like every James Bond film that came before it, Spectre begins with a title sequence accompanied by a newly-written song. For this 24th installment in the franchise, Sam Smith provided ‚Writing’s On The Wall‘ for the opening, but they were not the first choice to provide a new song for the film. Radiohead were initally approached to write a new theme song, and what they delivered was, in my opinion, one of the greatest Bond themes ever written. In this video, I look at the musical components that make up a great Bond song, and consider what makes Radiohead’s ‚Spectre‘ so good.


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