StartMusikTom Misch and Yussef Dayes: Tiny Desk (Home) Concert

Tom Misch and Yussef Dayes: Tiny Desk (Home) Concert

Tom Misch und Yussef Dayes haben ein Tiny Desk Home Concert gespielt und zwei Songs von ihrem Überraschungsalbum „What Kinda Music“ peformt. Beim Song „Nightrider“ bekommen sie am Ende Unterstützung von John Mayer für das Solo an der Gitarre. Eigentlich kann man diesem fantastischen Set nur vorwerfen, dass es zu kurz ist. Die Vibes sind so gut!

Abby O’Neill | July 13, 2020
Producer/guitarist Tom Misch and drummer Yussef Dayes released a surprising and stunning collaborative album earlier this year called What Kinda Music, which I’ve listened to countless times these past couple months. This Tiny Desk (home) concert — recorded across six different musicians‘ homes — features two songs from that album, „Nightrider“ and „Tidal Wave.“ On the former, special guest John Mayer provides a closing solo, just as he did at last year’s Crossroads Guitar Festival. Also accompanying is longtime Misch collaborator Jordan Rakei and Tom Driessler on bass. „Tidal Wave,“ featuring Rocco Palladino on bass and Joel Culpepper on backing vocals, is equally hypnotic. Like the album, this short set evokes a dreamy utopia, blending live electronica, psychedelia and avant-garde jazz. The poignant hook of „Tidal Wave“ — „Chaos / Throwing midnight like a tidal wave / Raindrops / Filling up your eyes as the water takes the stage“ — feels symbolic and resonant with the current state of the world.


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