StartMusikTiny Desk Concert: Rakim

Tiny Desk Concert: Rakim

Rakim performs a Tiny Desk Concert on June 19, 2018.

Rap-Lengede Rakim war mit hochkarätiger Band bei NPR zu Gast, um dort seinen neuen Track „King’s Paradise“ zu präsentieren.

The track was written for Season 2 of Marvel’s Luke Cage, which premiered on Netflix the same day, but it wasn’t entirely new to select NPR staff; they heard it days earlier when the God MC performed at the Tiny Desk.

The New York rap icon wasn’t the only legend in the building that day. Ali Shaheed Muhammad of A Tribe Called Quest „” who produced and co-wrote „King’s Paradise“ with keyboardist Adrian Younge under their new project The Midnight Hour „” played bass, and rising blues torchbearer Christone „Kingfish“ Ingram sat in on guitar.

„King’s Paradise“ pays homage to the heroes of the Harlem Renaissance as well as its fictional superhero, the bulletproof Luke Cage. Rakim tipped his hat to Philip Payton Jr., Joe Lewis, Lena Horne, Malcolm X, Maya Angelou and Louis Armstrong, before concluding with a few bars about the comic book-inspired series.

King’s Paradise
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Know The Ledge


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