StartFilm & TVThe Tarantino Death Toll

The Tarantino Death Toll

Down for the count in Bild + Ton.


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Around the release of Quentin Tarantino’s last film Django Unchained, a prominent film journal invited me to make a video essay on the director. Pondering what angle to take, I asked myself what most immediately comes to mind when I think of Tarantino’s movies. And I started to see bodies. A seemingly endless parade of people being shot, stabbed, blown up, dismembered. I wondered, just how many people have been killed in the Tarantino oeuvre? And so I made this video.
A video essay by Kevin B. Lee

(via Nice Blog)

Marc hat ins Leben gerufen und teilt hier seit 2005 seine Leidenschaft für Musik und das Internet.


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