StartMusikThe Roots feat. Big K.R.I.T. "Make My" vom neuen Album "undun"

The Roots feat. Big K.R.I.T. „Make My“ vom neuen Album „undun“

Mit der Ballade Maky My läuten The Roots den Countdown ihres neuen und 13. Albums mit dem Titel undun auf Def Jam ein.

The Roots „Make My“ featuring Big K.R.I.T. by okayplayer

undun erscheint am 6. Dezember und ist ein Konzeptalbum, dass das kurze Leben von Redford Stephens (1974-1999) erzählt. Laut Okayplayer ließ Roots Drummer ?uestlove hierzu heute verlauten:

At this point in our career we“™d like for our work to have a unifying theme, and an experiential quality. We“™ve been intentionally making our albums shorter in length so that they can be experienced as a continuous work. The music is band-oriented with an eye on the moody cinematic. As a DJ, I am the King of playlists, but I don“™t want our albums to feel like a playlist or a mixtape for that matter. We want to tell stories that work within the album format and we want the stories to be nuanced and useful to people. Undun is the story of this kid who becomes criminal, but he wasn“™t born criminal. He“™s not the nouveau exotic primitive bug-eyed gunrunner like Tupac„™s character Bishop in Juice„¦ he“™s actually thoughtful and is neither victim nor hero. Just some kid who begins to order his world in a way that makes the most sense to him at a given moment“¦ At the end of the day“¦ isn“™t that what we all do?“

undun Tracklist:
01. Sleep
02. Make My
03. One Time
04. Kool On
05. The Jump
06. Stomp
07. Lighthouse
08. I Remember
09. Tip The Scale
10. Redford