StartLifestyleThe Children Will Rise Up! - Nandi Bushell & Roman Morello veröffentlichen...

The Children Will Rise Up! – Nandi Bushell & Roman Morello veröffentlichen Climate-Action Song und Video mit Tom Morello, Jack Black und Greta Thunberg

Die junge Musiksensation Nandi Bushell nutzt ihre Plattform, um über die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels zu informieren. Die elfjährige Multiinstrumentalistin hat sich mit Tom Morellos zehnjährigem gitarrenspielendem Sohn Roman für den neuen Song „The Children Will Rise Up“ zusammengetan uns Jack Black, Aktivistin Greta Thunberg und Romans Vater und Rage Against The Machine Gitarrist Tom Morello haben Cameo-Auftritte im Musikvideo.

Auf YouTube schreibt sie:

I am so proud of myself and Roman Morello for writing our EPIC song with Tom Morello! We hope you love it and we really hope our song helps raise awareness for climate change!

After learning about climate change at school I wanted to help make a difference.

I wanted to write a song about how I felt about climate change and asked @Tom Morello and his son Roman Morello to collaborate with me. Once Roman and I had written the song we asked @JablinskiGames (Jack Black) and @Greta Thunberg if they would like to be in the music video! They loved our song and wanted to join us in raising awareness for climate change!

In collaboration with Fridays For Future Brazil and England, branches of the global youth climate movement started by Greta Thunberg, all proceeds from ‚The Children Will Rise Up‘ will be donated to the nonprofit organisation ‚The SOS Pantanal Institute‘ – ‚Help Pantanal‘ –

We need to act now! Rise Up! Protest! Be Loving, Be Peaceful, Be Respectful, Be Sensible but BE POWERFUL!!!


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