Der Stratus Dance Club war ein alcohol-free, under-21 dance blu in San Diego. Die Videos zeigen das bunte Treiben auf der Tanzfläche zu New Wave, Gothic, Rock, Pop zwischen 86 und 87.
Stratus was SoCal’s preeminent alcohol-free, under-21 dance club. Located in Casa de Oro, a San Diego suburb at the foot of Mt. Helix, the venue attracted young adults from as far north as Los Angeles. The club had its grand opening in May 1978, when disco reigned supreme […] Throughout the years the music format evolved to accommodate changing musical tastes of the club“’s patrons, which included soul, new wave, Gothic, hip-hop, rap and live music […] After nearly 10 years of being the epicenter of entertainment for young adults in San Diego County, Stratus closed its doors for the last time on June 3, 1987.
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