StartArt & DesignMiley Cyrus - Tongue Tied

Miley Cyrus – Tongue Tied

Diesen nur 2 Minuten lange aber sehr stylischen Clip von Quentin Jones mit dem Titel „Tongue Tied“ zeigt Miley Cyrus auf den Konzerten ihrer aktuellen Bangerz-Tour.

[…] directed by mixed-media artist and filmmaker Quentin Jones, whose signature soignée graphics and splashes of paint transform a pornoriffic-almost-parody into artsploitation. Stripping the color from our heroine“™s cartoonish persona, Jones goes in on popular symbols of sex: the fishnets; the beauty mark made darker like Marilyn“™s; the black collar fit for a ‚Bunny. To Miley, as to a little kid, even the most dangerous object is a toy. And like a kid“™s, her near-nudity is hardly erotic. She“™s just happier naked. Her poses are jokes, even that infamous tongue“”stuck out“”remains firmly in cheek. She holds up the cardboard cut-out and winks. Get it? She“™s playing with herself.

Der Streifen läuft beim diesjährigen NYC Porn Film Festival. Offenbar laufen dort nicht nur Pornos.

Marc hat ins Leben gerufen und teilt hier seit 2005 seine Leidenschaft für Musik und das Internet.


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