StartMusikLove Has No Labels

Love Has No Labels

Gänsehaut Clip für die „Love Has No Labels“ Kampagne von AdCouncil. Liebe kennt keine Labels und unter der Haut sind wir alle gleich.

Die passende Musik stammt von Macklemore & Ryan Lewis feat. Mary Lambert. Der Track heißt „Same Love“ und behandelt das Thema gleichgeschlechtliche Liebe. Sehr sehenswert ist auch das Musikvideo zu „Same Love“.

Die Musik in dem Spot zur Kampagne enthält jedoch nur den Gesangspart von Mary Lambert.


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While the vast majority of Americans consider themselves unprejudiced, many of us unintentionally make snap judgments about people based on what we see“”whether it“™s race, age, gender, religion, sexuality, or disability. This may be a significant reason many people in the U.S. report they feel discriminated against. Subconscious prejudice“”called „implicit bias““”has profound implications for how we view and interact with others who are different from us. It can hinder a person“™s ability to find a job, secure a loan, rent an apartment, or get a fair trial, perpetuating disparities in American society. The Love Has No Labels campaign challenges us to open our eyes to our bias and prejudice and work to stop it in ourselves, our friends, our families, and our colleagues. Rethink your bias at