StartMusikJames Brown singt und tanzt zu "Night Train" in der TAMI Show...

James Brown singt und tanzt zu „Night Train“ in der TAMI Show (1961)

Wenn ihr wissen wollt wo Prince und Michael Jackson ihre Inspiration für ihre dance moves herhaben, dann schaut euch bitte mal dieses Live-Video von James Brown an. Unglaublich.


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James Brown recorded „Night Train“ with his band in 1961. His performance replaced the original lyrics of the song with a shouted list of cities on his East Coast touring itinerary. The song became a hit, charting #5 R&B and #35 Pop.

The TAMI Show is a 1964 concert that included performances by numerous popular rock and roll and R&B musicians from the United States and England. TAMI stood for both „Teenage Awards Music International“ and „Teen Age Music International“.

The concert was held at the Santa Monica Civic Auditorium on October 28 and 29, 1964. Free tickets were distributed to local high school students. The best footage from each of the two concert dates was edited into the film, which was released on December 29, 1964. The TAMI Show is particularly well known for James Brown’s performance featuring his legendary dance moves and explosive energy.

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