StartMusikDamian Kulash, Jr. (Ok Go) - Bataclan (Download)

Damian Kulash, Jr. (Ok Go) – Bataclan (Download)

Ok Go Sänger und Gitarrist Damian Kulash, Jr. hat einen Peace-Song anlässlich der Paris Attacks geschrieben, der unter die Haut geht. Er schreibt:

This is my prayer for peace. The attack at the Bataclan brought violence and terror much closer to home for me „” it’s a setting and scene I know so intimately, a place where people gather to share joy and love and song. In the face of the bombings in Beirut, more attacks this week in Mali, threats today in Brussels, the ongoing atrocities in Syria, and so much more violence and war around the world, I pray that peace finds a way.

Austen Risolvato took this photo of me in the crowd at the Bataclan earlier this year. Thanks to Damian Wagner for his engineering help.

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