StartMusikWEFUNK Show 555: The "Paisley Park" story

WEFUNK Show 555: The „Paisley Park“ story

Beenden wir diese großartige Woche mit der „Paisley Park“ story, der neusten WEFUNK Show.

Presenting the „Paisley Park“ story: Duke Eatmon & Ron Morrett select the funkiest tracks & tales from Prince protégés The Time, Vanity 6, Sheila E, The Family, Mazarati and Tony Lemans as we take a ride through the infamous „Minneapolis sound.“

WEFUNK – Show 555

time – the stick
talk: intro, the time, vanity 6, counting breasts, appolonia 6
vanity 6 – nasty girl
appolonia 6 – sex shooter
talk: „girlfriend groups“, prince & the drum machine, discovering sheila e
sheila e. – oliver“™s house
sheila e. – holly rock
talk: putting together the family
family – high fashion
talk: paisley park studios open up, moonlighting with mazarati, the story behind „kiss“, fictional album credits
mazarati – stroke
talk: a band that didn’t exist
madhouse – 6
tony lemans – higher than high (tribute to sylvester stewart)
talk: tony lemans‘ tragic end, p-funk meets paisley, sexual and sacred
mavis staples – melody cool
george clinton – airbound
talk: public enemy and george clinton
george clinton – tweakin“™
george clinton feat. dr. dre, flavor flac, ice cube, yo-yo & m.c. breed – paint the white house black
prince & george clinton – we can funk
talk: putting together the time, food fight at the cincinnatee colliseum, jesse johnson hancuffed to a radiator
time – the walk
time – 777-9311
talk: rhyming phone numbers, the tightest stage show since j.b., outro
time – chocolate

Marc hat ins Leben gerufen und teilt hier seit 2005 seine Leidenschaft für Musik und das Internet.


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