StartMusikAugmented Reality-Take on me

Augmented Reality-Take on me

Trixi Studios zeigen wohin die Reise mit Apples ARKit in iOS 11 gehen kann und verzaubern uns mit einer Demo eines begehbaren „Take On Me“ Musikvideos.

We are giant fans of the original video by Aha and director Steve Barron, and especially the legendary animators Michael Patterson and Candace Reckinger who came up with the beautiful technique and style we were trying to emulate.

This work was made very quickly and just for fun, there is a lot of room for improvement. We inspired by the intersection of emerging mass technology like ARKit and visual effects that traditionally have been difficult to recreate. Everything is live in camera and works as shown.

This is not for an app we currently are planning on distributing


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(via Nerdcore)

Marc hat ins Leben gerufen und teilt hier seit 2005 seine Leidenschaft für Musik und das Internet.


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